Children and Youth

Zion's Children


Kid’s for Christ (K.F.C.) is a group for the pre-kindergarten through 6th grade youth of Zion.  K.F.C. serves the community throughout the year by completing various service projects where the youth are living out Zion’s mission of being the serving arm of Jesus to the community.  K.F.C. also has regular fellowship throughout the year where our youth spend time hanging our with fellow Zion members and their friends.  Whether the kids are bowling, or collecting items for Nurses for Newborns, K.F.C. is a safe, loving, and service-rich environment for youth to enrich their faith.

Email Theresa with any questions you have Here

Zion's Teens

Connecting with God, Connecting with others, Serving all.

Zion Youth Group seeks and encourages all youth & friends to hang out throughout the year,  aside from yearly activities that help us to grow in our faith

Our ages range from 6th grade through high school.

Interested in learning more about what our youth are up to?  Contact Amy Schaeffer (314-574-5303) & Michelle Barnes (314-570-2251)
